porn – BLACK 2 cream (identity fetish)

Hanky Code Pair Arrow for porn fetish / BLACK 2 cream


Fetish Vector Hanky Code: BK2cr
fetish ( identity )
porn: takes videos
passive (right/down)
porn: performer
hanky code pair color(s)
BLACK 2 cream
hanky code pair abbrev
BK 2 cr

Explore porn

porn: takes videos – active role

Hanky code pair arrow pointing UP (active), means porn: takes videos

Click to generate a porn: takes videos fetish frame

porn: performer passive role

Hanky Code pair arrow pointing down (passive), means porn: performer

Click to generate a porn: performer fetish frame

Popper recommendations

porn kinksters typically prefer Nitro ,Hell Fire

porn Switch??

If you are a porn SWITCH guess what? Hanky Code Pair works for you also. While most guys will use an UP or DOWN arrow, Versatile guys can indicate enjoying porn: takes videos SWITCH or porn: performer SWITCH

porn: takes videos SWITCH – (Versatile porn, leaning active role)

Hanky code pair arrow pointing LEFT (SWITCH leaning active), means porn: takes videos SWITCH

Click to generate a porn: takes videos SWITCH fetish frame

porn: performer SWITCH (Versatile leaning passive role)

Hanky Code pair arrow pointing RIGHT (SWITCH leaning passive), means porn: performer SWITCH

Click to generate a porn: performer SWITCH fetish frame

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