Maybe you already know the basic hanky codes: Blue, Red and Yellow… Possibly even more like Orange, Black and Grey.
Our world has grown and recognized diversity in kink well beyond what we ever imagined… But there are no new colors being created….
So faced with the challenge of how to modernize the Hanky code to be more inclusive of the kinks of 2020 and beyond, we spent months of trial and error, design and re-design to find a means of building on the historical hanky code, and bringing it forward with EVERYONE able to be represented…
The result, 2 colors, 2 widths, Hanky Code H2.
Its an evolution that brings the power of two to showing our colors, and sharing our interests…
We will maintain lists of the Original Hanky Code, but will also be the repository for the Hanky2 definitions… be a part… suggest your own color combinations. Define your kink, let your song be heard…
I guarantee some one is listening!
Explore H2BLUE2green